I can't believe it's already mid-February! Where is the year going? I feel like I am already so far behind on my goals. I guess life as a Mom to a newborn makes the time just go by much too quickly. =(
Today was a typical work-at-home Mom type of day. Aside from taking care of baby, I had laundry to do, clients to call, office work that needed to be done, groceries that needed to be purchased, and a pot roast to cook for dinner. Whew!!! It's past midnight now, and this is when I get to relax and surf the internet -- and maybe even try to do some papercrafting.
I was going through some of my things and found some 8 x 8 sb pages I got from a swap two years ago. They are all ready to go -- just need pics! I wanted to share the page I created for the swap. I don't know why, but this is actually one of my favorite layouts. I remember being somewhat stumped for a little while because I don't normally do 8 x 8 pages. I don't remember where I found it, but I eventually used a sketch to get me going. I *heart* sketches! =)
I am pretty sure all the products used are American Crafts products. I really adore the man and woman symbols which I made with Quikutz dies! The picture template is on the page because this is just one of several identical pages I needed to create for the swap group. I like to make things easier for the recipient by letting them know what size picture fits best.
Anyway, even though it's an oldie, it's still a goodie in my book so I thought I'd share! Sorry the picture isn't any better. It looked okay on my point-and-shoot camera, but when I uploaded it, I saw otherwise. I hate when that happens. LOL Anway, hope y'all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!